A few minutes ago I uploaded v2 of my (prize winning) XPage Debug Toolbar to OpenNTF. This version has quite some changes in it. The biggest being that the toolbar was rewritten using Java/ managed beans.
Here’s a list of what’s new in this release:
- The toolbar now uses a managed bean (and only a little SSJS). Biggest advantage of the bean approach is that you can now easily log messages from about anywhere with no restrictions.
- Added the option to remove a (scoped) variable.
- Added the option to easily inspect any scoped variable using the API Inspector (Tip: very handy for beans!).
- When logging an error using dBar.error(), a full stacktrace can be included that can be shown in the Messages tab.
- Added an error page: include it in a database (and set it in the application properties) to log errors to the debug toolbar instead of a dump on screen.
- The toolbar now shows the Java heap size and allows you to run the server’s garbage collector
- “importlist.xml” file updated for the OpenNTF import/export tool.
- Option added to change the color of the toolbar (who hasn’t been waiting for it!)
- Icons added for the toolbar custom control.
- And of course (like any release list includes): “various performance and stability improvements”.
The new version can be downloaded from the project site on OpenNTF.
Have fun with it and let me know what you think!